The last thing you want to do before heading off on one of our Writing & Wellness retreats is the stress about what to pack. So, I have pulled together, the ultimate packing list for any retreat
While many of our retreats have all you need in terms of relaxation and writing essentials, you might want to bring along a few things from home to ensure you feel comfortable and at ease and that you have a little slice of sacred serenity with you wherever you go.
Comfortable Clothes
Comfy clothes are number one on pretty much every retreat packing list as it’s going to be impossible to still your mind and focus on the present moment if you’re constantly thinking about being uncomfortable.
Retreats are not a fashion show, so you don’t need to worry about having the latest brands or Insta-worthy activewear. Instead, you, and everyone else is there to relax, learn, grow, connect and ultimately learn or develop your writing skills, so what you wear is of no consequence. Make sure you pack beach walking attire for all weather conditions, lounge wear, your favourite pyjamas, and comfortable shoes!
Other items of clothing to pack for your retreat are layers. While every retreat is different, it can sometimes be hard to find a temperature to suit all guests, so taking a few of layers is always a good idea. Whether it be socks and a jumper or a lightweight, long-sleeved layer you won’t regret having options available.
You might also want to bring along a soft blanket if you know you’re sensitive to the cold, although we do provide a selection of blankets at Ease Retreats
A Journal
It is always useful to have a journal and a pen to hand throughout your retreat so you can jot down notes and questions the moment they arise. As you may well know, journaling often allows us to dig deeper within, giving ourselves space to express what may otherwise be difficult to vocalise.
Looking back at your retreat journal later down the line can also be a beautiful reminder of how much you have progressed especially in your writing journey.
A Water Bottle
Staying hydrated during a retreat is key as the creative processes and beach walks involved can make you a little dehydrated! Having your own water bottle to hand will encourage you to keep up the fluids and stay feeling fresh and hydrated throughout the day.
Your Favourite Tea
At Ease Retreats we provide a fantastic selection of fresh produce and soothing herbal teas, but if you have a favourite that you know you can’t live without, why not bring it along? Sitting down with a steaming cup of your favourite tea can be so refreshing and if it helps you unwind and feel relaxed then it’s a must for the packing list.
While much of your time will be taken up by writing, masterclasses, journaling and socialising, there are periods of downtime during a retreat when you might just want to pop your headphones in a float away to a space of stillness. Whether you want to listen to some chilled music or a favourite podcast, you’ll be glad to have packed your headphones.
Something Sacred
Bringing along items to create a sacred space can be a wonderful way to remind yourself to stay in the present moment, even at times when you feel a million miles from home. Whether it’s a scented candle, a comfy jumper, or your favourite hand cream, these items allow you to remain centred and channel your creative Goddess who you are connecting with during your retreat.
Beach Towel
Having a beach towel to hand during your stay is a great addition, especially if you’re up for a sea swim or an early morning sea dip. We might, weather permitting, take our beach towels and journals to the beach and kick back and watch the waves roll to the shore.
Flip-Flops or beach shoes
As we might go for a sea dip or swim weather dependable, it’s useful to pack some shoes that you can easily slip on and off, so you don’t have to faff around with shoelaces every time you enter the ocean. Flip-flops are best for this as they are small and lightweight which makes them easy to pack.
Now you are equipped with the ultimate retreat packing list you can start planning your next getaway without the stress of thinking about what to pack! What type of retreat is next on your list?
For further information about our upcoming Writing & Wellness retreats, make sure you follow us on Instagram. We have some really exciting new retreats to announce this September!
Until the next time
Take care and stay safe
Tanya xox