• STYLE WITH EASE • Brought to you by the rather lovely Claire Jacklin Rees

“My top tips for dressing each day…‘Isolation Style!’ Having to adjust very quickly to working under the Covid-19 epidemic, I thought I would give you my tops tips, for keeping spirits up and how not to fall into a Pyjama day – every day, slump! We all deal with circumstances differently but these are things that I’m doing to help stay focussed and positive, not to mention productive, which is so important when running your own business. • Get up and get dressed as you normally would Mon-Fri. Put your make-up on (if you wear make-up) and dress as you normally would during the week, to help you still feel like you. If you don’t like how you dress or feel, then now is a great time to address this. • Colour has never been so important for me right now. I am choosing to wear A LOT of yellow because it represents happiness, hopefulness and positivity! It’s not one of my ‘best colours’ i.e. it doesn’t work that well with my skin tone. However, as I love it and it cheers me up, it’s well worth wearing it! • Declutter your chaotic wardrobe! Now is the time for you to tackle that job that you have put off for YEARS! I have just developed an online ‘Wardrobe Edit’ at a heavily discounted rate, whilst we are in Isolation, to help people do exactly this! You may now have some extra time to get that Capsule Wardrobe that you have always dreamt of. It’s not difficult at all and once it’s done, you will find getting dressed each day so much less stressful. • Accessories can help lift the look; they can take an outfit from dull to dazzling! Get your accessories organised, where they are accessible - if you can see them, you are more likely to wear them! Clean that silver jewellery that you never wear because it’s tarnished. Find that other shoe that you’ve misplaced. Switch over the winter hats and scarves with the lighter weight ones for summer! Get everything in one place, so that you can create further outfits, simply by changing up your accessories! • Visualise how you wish to show up to the world when we are able to go back out again. Make a list of what is important to you in your appearance. Is it that you want smarter outerwear, such as a less shabby school run jacket? Is it that you want your handbag to be more updated and smarter? Is it that you want to ‘go back’ with a new hairstyle or change your glasses frames? Have a think and start to make a plan of realistic and affordable changes. Just by noting these down can help you move further to where you want to be. Visualisation is a great tool to use for how you wish to be seen. • PJ/Loungewear days are Ok when needed. It’s Ok to have a ‘down day’. Let it happen, roll with it and then move on. Get back to your ‘getting up and dressed’ each day, as it will help you feel more in control, during a time of little control.

If you need any help discovering your jigsaw pieces of style, I’m here and available to do this with you remotely.”